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CRIMINALS AND THE INSANE, 42; criminals, their
features, 10, 11, 12, 224; their peculiarities of
character, 42; their children, 553, 154 Cromwell’s
soldiers, 5
DALTON, colour blindness, 31; was a Quaker, 33
Damaras, their grade of sensitivity, 22; their wild
cattle and gregariousness, 48; their pride in them,
190; races of men in Damara Land, 204
Dante, 154
Darwin, Charles, impulse given by him to new lines of
thought, 129; on conscience, 252; notes on twins,
161, 263 letter of Mr. A. L. Austin forwarded by, 226
Darwin, Limit., R. E., photographs of Royal Engineers,
9, 10, 240
Deaf-mutes, 149
Death, fear of, 153; its orderly occurrence, 169; death
and reproduction of cells, and their unknown relation
to consciousness, 196
Despine, Prosper, 42
Difference, verbal difficulty in defining many grades
of, 23
Discipline, ascetic, 46, 126
Discovery, H. M. S., the crew of, 5
Discrimination of weights by handling them, etc., 24
Dividualism, 148, 217; also 46
Doctrines, diversity of; 150, 151, 217
Dogs, their capacity for hearing shrill notes, 27
Dreaming, 122
Du Cane, Sir E., 10
Duncan, Dr. Mathews, 208
EARLSWOOD ASYLUM for idiots, 20
Ecstasy, 46, 149
Editors of newspapers, 120, 147
Egg, raw and boiled, when spun, 25
Egypt, captive animals, 277
Ellis, Rev. Mr. (Polynesia), 181
Emigrants, value of their breed, 56, 200; migration of
barbarian races, 204
Engineers, Royal, features of, 9, 10
English race, change of type, 4, colour of hair, 5; one
direction in which it might be improved, 10; change
of stature, 15; various components of, 202
Epileptic constitution, 45
Eskimo, faculty of drawing and mapmaking, 72
Eugenic, definition of the word, 17 
Events, observed order of; 194
Evolution, its effects are always behind. hand, 152; its
slow progress, 197; man should deliberately further
it, 1, 198, 218
Exiles, families of, 200
Experiments, psychometric, 133
FACES seen in the fire, on wallpaper, etc., 66, 123
Faith, 150
Family likenesses, 9; records, 28; merit, marks for, 211
Fashion, changes of; 130
Fasting, visions caused by, 225, 126; fasting girls, 149
Fellows of colleges, 225
Fertility at different ages, 209; is small in highly-bred
animals, 199
Fire-faces, 66, 123
First Cause, an enigma, 294, 196
Flame, sensitive, and high notes, 27
Fleas are healthful stimuli to animals, 18
Fluency of language and ideas, 147
Forest clearing, 197
Forms in which numerals are seen (see Number-
Forms), 79; months, 87; letters, 87, 88; dates, 132
Foxes, preservation of, 18
France, political persecution in, 55
French, the, imaginative faculty of, 70
Friends, the Society of (see Quakers), 32
Generations, length of and effect in population, 210; in
town and country populations, 241
Generic images, 75, 76; theory of, 132, 234 Geometric
series of test-objects, 23; geometric mean, 39
Gerard, Jules, 181
Gesture-language, 145
Gibbon, amphitheatrical shows, 184
Goethe and his visualised rose, 115, 117
Gomara, 284
Goodwin, Mr., 277
Grades, deficiency of in language, 23; centesimal, 37
Graham, Dr., on idiots, 20 (note) 
gregariousness of cattle, 48, 191; gregarious animals
quickly learn from one another, 153
Gull, Sir W., on vigour of members of large families,
213; On medical life-histories, 220
Guy’s Hospital Reports (consumptive types), 11
Gypsies, 125, 203
HAIR, colour of; 5
Hall, Capt., 72
Hallucinations, cases of; 121 origin of, 122; of great
men, 127
Handwriting, 88; of twins, 157 
Hanwell Asylum, lunatics when at exercise, 46 Previous page Top Next page