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ABBADIE, A. d’, 82, 99
Aborigines, 202
About, E., 205
Abstract ideas, like composite portraits, 132; are
formed with difficulty, 145
Admiralty, records of lives of sailors, 29
Adoption, 224
Africa, oxen, 48; captive animals, 177; races of men,
Alert, H.M.S., the crew of, 5
Alexander the Great, medals of, 8; his help to Aristotle,
America, captive animals, 276, 177; change of
population, 205
Animals and birds, their attachments and aversions, 187
anthropometric committee, 23, 36; laboratories, 28
Appold, Mr., 226
Arabs, their migrations, 203, 206
Ashurakbal, his menagerie, 283
ASSOCIATIONS, 131 (see also Psychometric
experiments, 233)
Assyria, captive animals, 183
Athletic feats in present and past generations, 15
Augive, or ogive, 35
Austin, A. L., 226
Australia, tame kites, 180; change of population, 206
Automatic thought, 247
Aversion, 254, 287
BARCLAY, Capt., of Ury, 15
Barrel, 16
Barth, Dr., 279
Bates, W. H., 277
Baume, Dr., 264
Belief (see Faith), 250
Bevington, Miss L., 106
Bible, family, 29
Bidder, G., 81, 82, 94
Blackburne, Mr., 67
Blake, the artist, 66
Bleuler and Lehman, 207
Blind, the, 22
Blood, terror at, 42
Boisbaudran, Lecoq de, 73
Breaking out (violent passion), 45
Brierre de Boismont, 226, 227
Bruhl, Prof., 106
Burton, Capt., 275
Bushmen, their skill in drawing, 70; in Damara Land,
CAMPBELL, J. (of Islay), 186
Candidates, selection of, 221, 222
Captive Animals (see Domestication of Animals), 273
Cats can hear very shrill notes, 27 Cattle, their terror at
blood, 42; gregariousness of, 48; renders them easy to
tend, 191; cow guarding her newly-born calf, 51;
cattle highly prized by Damaras, 190
Celibacy as a religious exercise, 46; effect of
endowments upon, 214; prudential, 207; to prevent
continuance of an inferior race, 225
Centesimal grades, 37
Chance, influence of, in test experiments, 250
Change, love of, characteristic of civilised man, 229
CHARACTER, observations on at schools, 40;
changing phases of, 230
Charterhouse College, 93, 96
Cheltenham College, 90, 100
Chess, played blindfold, 66
Children, mental imagery, 69; associations, 131, 242;
effect of illness on growth of head, 168; moral
impressions on 273; they and their parents understand
each other, 273; can hear shrill notes, 254
Chinese, the, 206
Clock face, origin of some Number-Forms, 89, 96
Colleges, celibacy of Fellows of, 215
COLOUR ASSOCIATIONS, 105 (see also chap. on
Visionaries, 112 onwards); colour blindness, 32
Comfort, love of, a condition of domesticability, 188
Competitive examinations, 222, 222, 223 
II., and III. in Appendix, 221, 229, 233
Composite origin of some visions, 125; of ideas, 232;
of memories, 229
Composition, automatic, 246; literary, 147
Conscience, defective in criminals, 42, 43; its origin,
252, 252
Consciousness (see Antechamber of), 246; ignorance of
its relation to the unconscious lives of cells of
organism, 196; its limited ken, 234, 245, 227
Consumption, types of features connected with, 11, 22
Cooper, Miss, 94 Previous page Top Next page