Francis Galton: a Lifetime of Exploration

by Gavan Tredoux

A new biography of Francis Galton has been sorely needed for many years. It is now released in hardcover, softcover and kindle formats. Based on extensive international archival research and the primary sources uncovered there, every aspect of Galton's life and research program has been reexamined. A miasma of misconception is dispersed and a fund of fresh evidence made available. Two main volumes are supplemented by seven volumes containing primary material. Any profits go solely to maintaining, which is not for profit.

Francis Galton's Nature and Nurture: 1822-1865 Amazon (with UK edition)
Francis Galton's Genius: 1865-1911 Amazon (with UK edition)

Galton's friend Captain Sir Richard Francis Burton (1821-1890), the Nile explorer and anthropologist, is the subject of an entire chapter in Francis Galton's Nature and Nurture. For more on Burton, see my three-volume set of his letters, which includes correspodnence with Galton: The Book of Burtoniana, now available in print too.


Primary and other curated materials.

Sir Francis Sacheverel Darwin Amazon
Francis Galton at Cambridge: Letters and Diaries, 1840-1844 Amazon
The Diary of Charles John Andersson: 1850-1851 Amazon
Francis Galton on Mars: the Discontinuous Variation Notebook Amazon
Francis Galton and Alphonse de Candolle: Notes and Correspondence Amazon
Francis Galton and Alfred Binet: Correspondence Amazon
Francis Galton: Selected Papers, Notebooks and Diaries Amazon